Looking for Answers: A Maundy Thursday Prayer

It’s “Maundy Thursday” and I’d like to take a moment to offer a prayer and an invitation to join us tonight at 7:00 p.m. for Maundy Thursday worship.  We’re seeking answers this Holy Week and Maundy Thursday is all about being deceived. It is what happens when you invest time and energy and love in someone and then you find they have deceived you. And it hurts. You want an answer but it doesn’t seem to come.

Please join with me in prayer.

Dear Jesus:

On Maundy Thursday, we remember your unselfish example, your betrayal, the institution of Holy Communion and your prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. May we learn from your example, even as receive your Body and Blood in the bread and wine.  Help us faithfully seek answers from you. Amen.

Read more about Maundy Thursday.

Let’s look for answers together!

See you in church tonight,
Pastor Tom


Author: DB

Pastor Tom Acton

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