Abundant Living

Many of us say quite honestly, “I want a better life!”  But that “better life” can be difficult to define. Perhaps it is a full life – a life that isn’t missing out on whatever we feel is important at the moment. Sometimes this requires a total makeover.  Or perhaps such a drastic change isn’t needed,  but a new job, new friends, or even a new house would sure help. Perhaps a new car will give you more life – you hope!

When we say, “I want more out of life,” I think whether we realize it or not, we are really talking about a vibrant, exciting life and not a stagnant life, not even a stagnant life filled with material possessions. We want a full-flowing life!  A stagnant life is like a smelly old pond that has no stream to freshen it, and no place to drain the stale water.

How about an abundant life? An abundant life is a life that gives you much more than the very basic needs. It is a life that has meaning and makes a difference.  It’s a life that is noticed and an example for others.  I am convinced that Jesus knows exactly what you desire and in fact he said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Jesus is using the good shepherd analogy in this section of scripture. As a good shepherd he chooses the best pasture land, feeds and waters his sheep, providing us with the abundant life. We hear and follow his voice because he is our protector and knows where all good things are for us! When you get lost, he does not abandon you but leaves everything else to come and find you. He gives us more than what it takes to survive; he gives us life in the fullest possible sense. It is a life with sincere spiritual joy and a real sense of fullness.

However a full abundant life does not come problem-free this side of heaven. Jesus also warns us that, “in this life you will have trouble” (John 16:33). As you experience troubles living the abundant life however, you still have joy, contentment and peace because Jesus finishes that passage with the words, “take heart; I have overcome the world.”  In the abundant life, you work through your troubles with the one who has already overcome all things!

The Christian abundant life is anything but boring and unexciting. Living the abundant life means that we live each day to the fullest and we know without any doubt that Jesus is walking alongside of us. When we stumble, and we will, he will help us get “back up on the horse.” It is seeing God-given potential in everyone, including you. It is being inspired to speak and offer comfort to the troubled, take on new ventures even with an element of risk and being the first to apologize when you fail. It is using all of the resources God has given you to manage to support his work so that others will know the abundant life you enjoy.

I know you want this life.   Jesus wants you to have it.  It is there for you because he gives it to you!

See you in church, and see you living abundantly,
Pastor Tom

Author: DB

Pastor Tom Acton

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