Easter Monday Prayer and Devotion

Easter Monday To Do List

Any creative energy I have today is simply due to adrenalin still pumping thorough my body after our Easter Celebration. Sharing the Easter message three times yesterday following our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services was exhilarating, and yet exhausting. It’s a mountaintop experience to let everyone know the tomb is empty, and yet it is physically draining. However, I will not allow the joy of Easter to become simply another memory this morning. It is far too important!

Yet, I fear that for most people the day after Easter will seem much like any other Monday. In fact, this morning you may find yourself experiencing more than the typical Monday back-to-the-same-routine blues. This is especially true if you added a family gathering or two along with attending a full church service to an already longer than normal weekend.

As I said on Easter, because Jesus lives, our sins are really forgiven. Because Jesus lives, the devil is really defeated. Because Jesus lives, resurrection and eternal life have been won for us. We know this because of the Biblical record and the witnesses who saw it for themselves: Mary Magdalene, the disciples on the Emmaus Road, the ten and the eleven disciples in the Upper Room, a private appearance to Peter, then to 500 disciples all at once, and yes later to the Apostle Paul. He Lives!

Yes now it’s Monday and we are exhausted, weary, and perhaps feeling the effects of too much stress from such a busy weekend. And yes, it may be time to get the kids back to school,  get back to work, clean the house, pay the bills or whatever is necessary and expected . . . but don’t forget that just yesterday we were together in a full church shouting “He is Risen Indeed!” For a few minutes at least, we felt good and confident that all was good in life and whatever challenges may lay ahead, with Jesus we can overcome. God seemed closer and more real than he had in months, if not longer.

Here’s something that I suggested you think about last year, and again I encourage you to ponder it:

We are not sure what the disciples did on the Monday after Easter. Perhaps they stayed together celebrating the news of the resurrection, while keeping a low profile in case soldiers or other religious leaders came looking for them. We can’t be certain of anything, except we know that their lives were never the same. The men who had been so timid and fearful were now brave and courageous. Easter made all the difference for their rest of their lives.

Let it be the same for you! Do not allow the day after Easter to take away the encouragement, optimism and hope you felt and knew on Easter Sunday. The tomb was empty and no matter what unpleasantness you may face in the future, just go back in your mind to that empty tomb. There is real power, hope, and confidence there through Jesus Christ.

Risen Savior, may the power of your resurrection, fill me today and for the rest of my earthly life. May the memory of your sacrifice never be far from my mind. And May I be an example of your unselfish love and care for all, today and every day. In your most glorious name, I pray. Amen.

See you in Church!
Pastor Tom